- Joint Modeling of Longitudinal and Survival Outcomes in PyMC
- R² Priors for High-Dimensional Linear Regression and Autoregressive Timeseries in PyMC
- The Exploration-Exploitation Tradeoff and Statistical Bias in Multi-Armed Bandits
- Overthinking a Monte Carlo Estimate of π
- Modeling Tide Heights and Kayaker's Heuristics
- A Quantitative Analysis of Deuces in Tennis
- Revisiting Bayesian Survival Analysis in Python with PyMC
- Learning to Be Thoughtless in Python with Mesa
- A Closed-form Solution for the Cholesky Decomposition of the Covariance Matrix of Exchangeable Normal Variables
- Bayesian Age/Period/Cohort Models in Python with PyMC
- A Modern Introduction to Probabilistic Programming with PyMC
- Efficiency of Various Parameterizations for Sampling from Latent Exchangeable Normal Random Variables in PyMC
- A Bayesian Model of Lego Set Ratings
- A Fair Price for the Titanic? A Bayesian Analysis of the Price of Large Lego Sets
- Playing Battleship with Bayesian Search Theory, Thompson Sampling, and Approximate Bayesian Computation
- Bayesian Splines with Heteroskedastic Noise in Python with PyMC3
- A Bayesian Alternative to Synthetic Control Comparative Case Studies in Python with PyMC3
- A Fair Price for the Republic Gunship? A Bayesian Analysis of Ultimate Collector Series Prices in Python with PyMC3
- Bayesian Factor Analysis Regression in Python with PyMC3
- Modeling Shark Attacks in Python with PyMC3
- A Bayesian Analysis of Lego Prices in Python with PyMC3
- A Fair Price for Darth Vader's Meditation Chamber? A Lego Price Analysis
- The Hierarchical Regularized Horseshoe Prior in PyMC3
- A PyMC3 Analysis of Tyrannosaurid Growth Curves
- How to Write a Jupyter Magic in Python
- Evaluating Precision in Sports Analytics
- Monotonic Effects in PyMC3
- An Improved Analysis of NBA Foul Calls with Python
- Capture-Recapture Models in Python with PyMC3
- Quantifying Three Years of Reading
- Bayesian Parametric Survival Analysis with PyMC3
- MRPyMC3 - Multilevel Regression and Poststratification with PyMC3
- NBA Foul Calls and Bayesian Item Response Theory
- Dependent Density Regression with PyMC3
- Density Estimation with Dirichlet Process Mixtures using PyMC3
- Bayesian Survival Analysis in Python with pymc3
- Fitting a Multivariate Normal Model in PyMC3 with an LKJ Prior
- Fitting a Simple Additive Model in Python
- Saving Memory by Counting Combinations of Features
- Robust Regression with t-Distributed Residuals
- Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Custom Models in Python with StatsModels
- Utility Theory and Logistic Regression
- Reservoir Sampling for Streaming Data
- Verifying Typeclass Laws in Haskell with QuickCheck
- Duplicating Spheres and the Banach-Tarski Paradox
- Matrix Diagonalization and the Fibonacci Numbers
- Nonparametric Bayesian Regression with Gaussian Processes
- Memorylessness and the Exponential Distribution
- Euler's Formula in sympy
- The Mathematics of Building a Heap in Linear Time
- The Importance of Sequential Testing
- There are Almost No Rational Numbers
- Polynomial Regression and the Importance of Cross-Validation
- Stein's Paradox and Empirical Bayes
- Generating Functions and the Fibonacci Numbers
- The Median-of-Medians Algorithm
- Generalized Composition in Haskell
- My Most Interesting Interview Problem
- Prior Distributions for Bayesian Regression Using PyMC
- Bayesian Hypothesis Testing with PyMC
- Probability and Deuces in Tennis